Abbeywood Community School

Transitioning EHCP/Resource Base Support 

Abbeywood Community School has good outcomes for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) as we encourage students to become independent learners who are able to reach their full potential.

The Resource Base model at Abbeywood means that students are in mainstream lessons for up to around 80% of their time. They come to the Inclusion corridor for pre-arranged interventions, which are included on their timetables. We do not offer a drop in service as the Teaching Assistants (TAs) are in the classes with students supporting many students with an EHCP and SEND-K (students on the SEND register without an EHCP) in any one lesson.

The level of support is tailored to students depending on their levels of need but some of the support available is:

  • In lesson TA support, this is always shared with EHCP students as the priority, SEND-K and then the rest of the class. No one has 1:1 TA support at Abbeywood Community School. In the Y7 team there are 3 teaching assistants across the year group of 240 students.
  • A Key worker, with weekly contact and mentoring during tutor time
  • Core Skills in place of learning an additional language for students more than 2 years below their peers academically
  • Literacy/social/behaviour interventions
  • Access to using a laptop for extended pieces of writing (from term 3 in Y7)
  • Access to the Inclusion room at break/lunch time and sensory garden
  • Enhanced transition support – Assistant SENCo to visit current primary school

If you would like to find out more information please contact