Abbeywood Community School

Student & Pastoral Support

Tutors and Raising Standards Leads

All students have a tutor who is the first point of contact for students and parents. Each year group has a dedicated Raising Standards Lead (details below) who provides focused academic support for every student.

Raising Standard Lead for Year 7 & Transition Seb Doyle
Raising Standard Lead for Year 8 Daisy Tipping 

Raising Standard Leads for Year 9 Sophie Gilmore & Kerri Woodward 

Raising Standard Lead for Year 10
James Sisson 
Raising Standard Lead for Year 11 Richard Bendry 
Head of Post 16 Richard Williams 

Pastoral Head of Year

There is a Pastoral Head of Year assigned to each year group and we also now have a dedicated role for the Safeguarding Lead.  If you wish to contact the Pastoral Head of Year, please use the email address to ensure that we can respond even if staff are absent, or are part-time. 

Members of the team are Advanced Level Child Protection trained and have Mental Health First Aid training.  

For initial concerns, please contact your child’s tutor, however the Raising Standard Lead offers advice, information, signposting to other agencies and support on a range of issues including wellbeing, behaviour, attendance, safeguarding, e-safety, help with boundary setting at home, bullying, ongoing friendship concerns.  We have a school counsellor, Jane Hatfield, who works one day per week and is accessible through a referral from the Pastoral Head of Year (please be aware that there is often a waiting list for this service).  We can also make referrals to other agencies to support families and students and work with other agencies on Early Help Action Plans and Child Protection Plans.

Karen Harding - 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Designated Safeguarding Lead & Pastoral Lead 

Nicky Lopeman -

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Alastair Scott 

Behaviour Lead & Pastoral Head of Year 

Naomi Wood

Pastoral Head of Year (part-time)

Year 7 

Adela Brazil

Pastoral Head of Year

Year 8 

Lisa Bamford 

Pastoral Head of Year 

Year 9 

Grace Browning

Pastoral Head of Year

Year 10  

Claire Fletcher

Pastoral Head of Year

Year 11 

Wendy Holbourn

Pastoral Admin Support

Admin Support 

Jane Knight

Attendance Administrator


Creating the Right Ethos

Positive attitudes to learning and meeting the shared ‘Abbeywood Expectations’ are at the core of our desired ethos; as such, the school has a strong culture of rewarding and celebrating student success. Students are major stakeholders in the development of the school and we are evolving our Student Forum to give them greater responsibility in decision making and shaping policies around learning, ethos and environment.  We have students in Post 16 who have a variety of leadership roles. We expect our student leadership team to be outstanding role models, setting a fine example to other students and our wider community. We are very proud of the positive relationships forged between staff and students.

An Emphasis on Healthy and Sustainable Living

Abbeywood Community School is proud to have achieved the Sports Mark Award. The curriculum has a strong focus on healthy and sustainable living and provides students with many opportunities to explore how they can address issues of sustainability in a meaningful way in the 21st Century.

Developing Emotional Literacy

The curriculum provides a firm foundation for students to learn and understand how to relate to each other and develop attributes such as empathy and listening skills.  PSHE is delivered through our Global Citizenship programme of learning.  Students are challenged to think about how they will become citizens of the world in the future.  This involves lessons on celebrating diversity, respect and making healthy choices.  Students will also be taught, and have opportunities to ask questions about, sex and relationships as part of the new mandatory curriculum in schools.  We believe that Global Citizenship gets the right balance between learning and enquiry so that students are prepared to grow up and develop in the modern world.