Abbeywood Community School


Uniform & Equipment

The school has decided that the students will wear school uniform because:

  • We believe that dressing smartly communicates a business-like attitude to work
  • We believe that a uniform protects students from discrimination in terms of expensive fashion clothing
  • Students can be readily identified in public places as being from Abbeywood Community School
  • Student’s dress should reflect cleanliness and tidiness.

We expect students to wear the correct school uniform while travelling to and from school.

School Uniform

The Abbeywood Community School uniform is only available for purchase from Harris Sports

  • Green polo shirt with Abbeywood Community School logo for Year 7, 8 & 9
  • Blue polo shirt with Abbeywood Community School logo for Year 10 & 11 
  • Black cardigan or black sweatshirt  with Abbeywood Community School logo

Other items of uniform not available from Harris Sports can be purchased through all good retailers.

  • Black trousers -  Trousers should be tailored, no jeans, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
  • Black shorts or skirt - must be tailored and knee length; no jeans, leggings, tracksuit type shorts or tight fitting lycra mini/micro skirts
  • Plain black or white socks/black opaque tights
  • Plain black sensible footwear – not boots or sandals. No trainers with coloured laces or coloured logos.
  • Jewellery: Students are allowed to wear two pairs of small stud earrings and a small necklace (this must be worn UNDER the student’s green or blue ACS polo shirt). Students are also allowed to wear a discreet bracelet/band on their wrist. Where required, for health and safety reasons (such as in PE and technology) students will need to remove any items of jewellery, as directed by staff.
  • Make-up: Discreet make-up only, no long/false or coloured nails, no false eyelashes.
  • Hair: No extreme styles or colours (natural colours only).
  • Outdoor clothing - students are encouraged to wear an outdoor coat or jacket to school but please note that hoodies, tracksuit tops and non-ACS fleeces are not allowed in school and will be confiscated by staff.  Students must place all outdoor clothing in their locker before school starts and collect at the end of the school day.

Any item worn underneath the polo shirt should not be visible e.g. long sleeved t-shirts, polo tops, t-shirts showing below the polo.

Any student arriving at school not in uniform will be followed up by staff.  If there is a problem with uniform please contact school (email, phone, note) to inform us of the issue.

Second-hand Uniform

Pre-loved school uniform (including PE uniform) can be sourced from the Friends of Abbeywood Community School (FACS). Please email Ms Bamford ( for further information. Alternatively, FACS can be contacted directly via Facebook (search for Friends of Abbeywood Community School in Groups). FACS also hold regular uniform sales at school events throughout the year.

Sports Kit

PE Kit policy

It is required that all students in Y7 to 11 wear school PE kit to all lessons. If a child is ill or unable to they are to bring a note from their parent or guardian excusing them from the practical element of the lesson.


It is also expected that all students bring and change into kit even if they are unable to take part. The exception to this being if a student physically is unable to do so due to a severe injury or condition. 

Students will not be permitted to wear either the Abbeywood tracksuit bottoms with zip or the Abbeywood hoodie whilst playing tag rugby due to the risks involved.  They can wear these during other PE lessons.

We strongly advise that your child has a PE hoody for winter PE lessons. Non ACS branded jumpers and coats are not permitted to be worn in any circumstances, therefore your child may be more comfortable wearing a school PE hoody on colder days.

Astro footwear - please see the image below

The Abbeywood Community School Sports Kit is only available for purchase from Harris Sports. 

Please note that the Skorts (these can be purchased in place of Shorts) and Tracksuit bottoms are non essential items. 

Thank you for your support in ensuring that our students look smart and uniform when doing sport.

Should you qualify for Free School Meals or your household income is under £16,190 p.a. and you are in receipt of Working Tax Credits financial support is available - click on the link here for more information and here for our Charging and Remissions Policy.

Uniform will need to be purchased direct from Harris Sports and a claim made to our Finance Department Evidence of entitlement to Working Tax Credits must be provided at this point.

Please click here to view the Uniform Order Form for Harris Sports.

Guidance for non uniform days  Click here for guidance


Equipment requirement for all students in all lessons will be:

Bronze - non-negotiable Silver - desirable Gold - amazing!
Pen Spare pen Highlighters
Pencil Spare pencil Coloured pencils
Ruler (15cm) Ruler (30cm)


(Casio fx-83GT X classwiz)



Pair of compasses

Pencil sharpener


Glue Stick

Green pen for self-marking

Bronze Pencils cases and Calculators can be purchased through the School via Arbor.


Bronze level pencil case £2.50

Calculators £12.00

Personal Belongings

Students are personally responsible for the items they bring into school, including their mobile phone. We suggest students do not bring in expensive items in case of loss or damage. The only exception to this is if a student loses or damages a personal possession while being instructed to use it for educational reasons by a member of staff.