Attendance Guidance
At Olympus Academy Trust we are passionate about attendance because being in school regularly really does matter!
Building habits of regular attendance ensures that your child enjoys all of the many benefits that school brings, such as, opportunities for learning and making progress, as well as wider personal development opportunities like enjoying different enrichment clubs and sports or creative clubs.
Making connections everyday with other children and staff also builds belonging, which we believe is an essential component of a healthy, happy child.
Click on the link here for some use guidance from the NHS.
Where any parent or carer has concerns about their child’s attendance, we really want to hear from you so that we can work together to reduce absence from school. We know that for some children, returning to school and the routine of learning has been more difficult- please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, please discuss these, in the first instance, with their tutor.
If you have additional concerns, these can be raised with the following key staff:
Year 7
Mr Doyle, Raising Standards Lead -
Mr Scott, Deputy Pastoral Manager & Pastoral Head of Year -
Miss Wood, Pastoral Head of Year -
Year 8
Miss Tipping, Raising Standards Lead -
Ms Brazil, Pastoral Head of Year -
Year 9
Miss Gilmore, Raising Standards Lead -
Miss Bamford, Pastoral Head of Year -
Year 10
Mr Sisson, Raising Standards Lead -
Miss Browning, Pastoral Head of Year -
Year 11
Mr Bendry, Raising Standards Lead -
Mrs Fletcher, Pastoral Head of Year -
Year 12 and Year 13
Mr Williams, Director of Post 16 -
In our continued drive to improve school attendance and reduce the impact of lost learning we are now unable to authorise absence during the school day for medical appointments, please book these after the end of the school day.Your support with this is very much appreciated and will help us to ensure that students do not miss lessons and are able to keep up with their learning. If parents need any support with this or have any questions please contact the school so that we can help.