Careers Education
At Abbeywood Community School, we provide a comprehensive programme that focuses on the student’s aspirations and experiences. This programme develops and grows through each year to help build child confidence and knowledge about higher education and the world of work.
Here at ACS, we have four members of the CEIAG team who work tirelessly to ensure our students are equipped with the necessary skills for to make the right decision about their future.
Good quality Careers Education raises the aspirations of our students to become more effective career planners and managers of their own progression through learning and work. It increases motivation by linking activities in school with preparation for life in Post 16 and Post 18. By providing quality information, advice and guidance, our aim is to raise students’ goals and ambitions for their future and increase self-confidence, whilst providing equality for all.
Good career guidance helps inspire students towards further study and enables them to make informed decisions whenever choices are open to them. It helps them to understand enough about the world of work to know what skills and qualifications they need to succeed. It is critical for social mobility because it helps open students’ eyes to careers they may not have considered.