Key Documents & Exam Information
Summer 2024 exam certificates are now available to collect from reception. Please collect between 9am and 3pm.
Exam certificates are legal documents and students are required to sign to confirm receipt of their certificates. If students are not able to collect them in person, they can let us know by emailing Please state who is authorised to collect on their behalf. This permission must come from the students personal or school email address and not from the parent. The person collecting will need to bring their photo ID with them when they collect.
Year 10 Religious Studies will be held until their Year 11 GCSEs are collected.
It is each student’s responsibility to collect their certificates.
Certificates not collected within one year of their release may be securely disposed of. Replacement certificates are not generally available for GCSEs and examination boards may charge for replacement certificates of other qualifications (if they offer a replacement service at all). If your GCSE certificates have been disposed of then your only option may be to contact the exam boards for a 'Certified Statement of Results'. Please note that Abbeywood Community School will not pay the cost of any replacement certificates or Certified Statements of Results.
General information regarding exams can be found here: Home - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
Important information from JCQ for you to familiarise yourself with:
Information for Candidates - IFC-Written_Examinations_2324_Revision_One_FINAL.pdf (
Preparing to sit exams - JCQ-Preparing-to-sit-your-exams-2023_24.pdf
Social media - JCQ Social Media Infographic v4
On Screen Tests - IFC-On-Screen_Examinations_2023_FINAL.pdf (
Privacy Notice - Microsoft Word - Information for candidates - Privacy Notice_MR (