Abbeywood Community School

House System at Abbeywood School

One of the main aims of our House System is to cultivate a sense of belonging within our school community and to create a space for students and staff to unleash their creativity, learn to compete in a friendly way and, ultimately, to have fun. 

From their very first day at Abbeywood, every student and member of staff within the school is allocated a house. Over the course of their time at Abbeywood, students are given the opportunity to represent their house in a huge variety of competitions, ranging from weekly break and lunch time competitions, inter-house sports matches, Abbeywood’s Got Talent, Sports Days, Ethos Competitions and much more.  The vast array of events reflects our intention to make our house system inclusive to all and engaging; we aim to give every single student the chance to shine and to feel they are part of a community. Furthermore, most competitions are marked based on a combination of skill and participation, meaning students can regularly gain points for their house just by taking part! 

Each term, staff members can award a maximum of 2 House Points to students who go above and beyond in an area of school life. For example, if a student shows exceptional resilience in the face of a challenge, a teacher may award them with a House Point.

We also host several House Days throughout the year which allow students to compete against the other houses in various tasks such as ‘Taskmaster’, ‘Teachers v Students’ and ‘Sports Championships’. The friendly rivalry and excitement is palpable on these days! 

Students are also given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills within the house system by applying to be a house captain or by leading competitions/ teams. 

The competition between the houses is fierce, but incredibly friendly! At the end of the year, students and staff take part in the long-awaited ‘House Championship Day’ where the winning house is announced in a whole-school assembly, followed by an afternoon of inflatables, ice-creams and excitement for the staff and students in the successful house. 

An introduction to the Houses

Apollo - House Champions 2023-2024