Period 6 Enrichment
Expectations for Period 6 Enrichment
A Government review has communicated to many schools that the students time in school is not long enough. While other academic institutions have increased lesson time, we have decided to include enrichment as part of our compulsory education. By selecting and attending one enrichment club a week, students are completing compulsory education hours. We chose this approach as students can develop skills and interests outside of subjects and they can select the day that works best for them.
Once your child has selected their enrichment it is their responsibility to attend the club weekly. If a child has to leave for a specific reason it is the obligation of the parent to contact reception in advance if they cannot attend, otherwise the student will receive a Truancy Behaviour point and an afterschool detention the following day. Unlike last year, enrichment will not be cancelled by teachers, if a member of staff is absent then another member of staff will run the session.
Enrichment Activities Term 3 & 4
term 3 and 4 p6 enrichment letter all.pdf